Atlasea’s mission is to use the power of crowd sourcing and autonomous technologies to educate, entertain and to further scientific advancements. Atlasea manufactures three-segmented AUV’s (autonomous underwater vehicles) that map the ocean floor in detail at depths down to 500ft. The AUV’s have a middle segment containing a ROV (remotely operated vehicle) that can be rented out to anyone where they can explore the ocean floor and view it through VR (virtual reality) displays, such as Google Cardboard and Oculus Rift. Individuals can then tag, share, and make real discoveries and receive real credit for their discoveries.
We use the latest technology to tap into individuals’ curiosity and sense of discovery. We believe the best way to learn about our oceans, the Earth and the origins of our own being is to utilize the masses to inspire them to take a journey to the depths of lakes and the shores of the oceans. By opening up our AUV’s ROV to anybody we are tapping into the fastest way to explore a new world that’s ever been recorded in human history. Thousands and millions of people coming together over curiosity, excitement and entertainment to help discover the wonders of an unknown world.
Individuals can upload 360 degree videos and panorama to their social media site or to Atlaseas’ website. These explorers can then tag interesting organisms for further investigation to discover new species, which is paramount to the world’s scientific community. This system can help us track organisms well-being as well as any number of untold connections.From the safety of ones home, utilizing Vr headsets such as Google cardboard and Oculus Rift, individuals can be completely emerged in a new world.
Individuals can upload 360 degree videos and panorama to their social media site or to Atlaseas’ website. These explorers can then tag interesting organisms for further investigation to discover new species, which is paramount to the world’s scientific community. This system can help us track organisms well being as well as any number of untold connections.